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The connection between beauty and soul in work of art need to be merge and cannot be separate. For an artisan, any kind of work should have contain both. The language of art itself was always complex and unique but even it has own uniqueness, it must be beautiful.


In the term of 'beautiful', art is not just subjective things but a universal need of human beings. As an artisan, we need to work until achieve the masterpiece in our lifetime. For me, that is a goal for true and goodness in heart as an artist. The good artisan always keep continuing and fixing in their craft. While doing so, it will give our world meaning and show to people that our life are worthwhile to live with.


Birds of paradise species is the most beautiful birds in the world, special on earth living in their own places but when think about symbolism, birds and human connection cannot be divided. The beautiful creature that ability to sing and fly, it was almost unimaginable and it's appear in myths and legends, and many religions they represent in human soul.

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