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ROSSETTI’S PROSERPINA (14.5 cm x 20 cm, Oil on canvas, 4/20)

Dust from the Old Masters is compilation of figure drawing using charcoal references from European painting and drawing including sculpture around 18 century. This compilation is to study the style of human figure which has their own unique and differences. The term ‘old master’ applies from the artists or draftsmen were fully trained in academy or guild as tradition. Some independent group such Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood also included as illustrator before the ‘avant garde’ from the impressionist in 19 century.

The compilation studies was Leonardo Da Vinci, Pierre Paul Prudhon, Aristodemo Costoli, John William Waterhouse, Giuseppe Romagnoli, Jean Jacques Lagrenee, Frederic Leighton, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Jules Joseph Lefebvre, John Melhuish Strudwick, Nicolas Dagneau Brean, Anton Raphael Mengs, Filippo Bigioli, Francois Pascal Simon Gerard, Herbert James Draper, Bernard Lange, Theodoor Van Thulden and Francesco Monti. Some of drawings have been altered to make it appropriate for viewing.

This painting called Rossetti’s Proserpina; my smallest painting study from one of the Pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood painter, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Proserpine. The painting is introduction for this series as study (after) the old master. All drawing was made by basic fundamental and construction drawing (from gesture to fully figure) using freehand.

Technical review conclusion : All my drawing study was based on reference using freehand and 'eyeballing' which include study of anatomy and fundamental method. There is no grid and tracing involved except line of framing to place the whole figure center on paper. Charcoal on top of graphite actually not suitable, that the mistake I didn't realize until the end for all drawings. As you can see, the charcoal pencil core is more bigger than pencil lead core which hard to make detail using it.

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